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About Us

Changing the way lecturers perceive teaching and students perceive learning


Our aim is to promote the use of cloud applications in science and technology education, with an emphasis on 21st century skills. Our studies are guided by the sociocultural theory and the situated learning approach.


We examine online collaborative learning in small multicultural groups and self-regulated learning in distance education. Specifically, we examine information and communication technology (ICT) literacy, flexible thinking, and innovative thinking, three central skills for learning and working in today’s global world.


Our deep belief is that learning should not be  restricted to the classroom, but be situated outdoors, presenting authentic and relevant topics to students’ everyday life. We believe that interactions among  students should not be limited to their classmates, but be expanded to peers from all over the world.  


We also believe that students should not be schooled at mastering the learning materials and answering questions, but be encouraged to design and create their own learning objects.


In light of the aforesaid, in our studies, we use mobile technologies to enhance outdoor and interactive learning. We promote international projects to enhance students’ global mindset. We also develop cloud applications and learning assignments for enhancing location- based and image-based augmented reality, allowing science, technology, and engineering students to generate, share, and assess their own learning objects.

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